Learning Objectives
Key Concepts
1 Introduction
2 Defining Technology-based Learning and Digital Learning
3 The Shift to Technology-based Training and Digital Learning
3.1 Shifts in Thinking about Learning
3.2 The Changing Performance Agenda for L&D
3.3 The Emergence of New Technology Tools
4 eLearning
4.1 Instructor-led or Self-directed
4.2 Asynchronous or Synchronous
4.3 Effectiveness and Advantages / Disadvantages
Critical Reflection 1
5 Massive Open Online Courses
6 Mobile Learning
6.1 Accessibility
6.2 Distractibility
Case Study 1: Mobile Learning at Merrill Lynch
7 Gamification and L&D
Case Study 2: Using Games in the Deloitte Leadership Academy
8 Computer-based Simulations, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Training
8.1 Virtual Reality
8.2 Virtual Worlds
8.3 Augmented Reality
9 Learning Management Systems and L&D
10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology-based Training and Digital Learning
10.1 Advantages and Disadvantages for Learners
10.2 Advantages and Disadvantages for L&D Specialists
10.3 Advantages and Disadvantages for Organisations
Best Available Evidence to Inform Practice
Review Questions
Strategic L&D in Action
Case Study 3: Virtual Reality and Training of Employees in Walmart
Further Reading
About the Authors
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