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LDiO 10: Using Technology to Deliver Learning & Development in Organisations

LDiO 10: Using Technology to Deliver Learning & Development in Organisations
Our Price:  €10.00(VAT Free)

ISBNs:  9781781194874 (PDF) / 4881 (ePub)
Year Published:  2021
Author:  Thomas Garavan, Carole Hogan, Amanda Cahir-O'Donnell & Claire Gubbins
ePub ebook:  €10.00
PDF ebook:  €10.00

Learning & Development in Organisations: Strategy, Evidence and PracticeLearning & Development in Organisations: Strategy, Evidence and Practice

USING TECHNOLOGY TO DELIVER LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT IN ORGANISATIONS provides an introduction to the use of technology to deliver L&D in organisations. 


The ebook begins with definitions and explanations of different technology-based training methods and the reasons for the shift to technology-based training. 


The authors then provide a detailed discussion of the characteristics of eLearning, massive open online courses (MOOCs), mobile learning (mLearning), gamification, computer-based simulations, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). 


They then discuss the characteristics and application of learning management systems (LMSs) and concludes with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of technology-based training. 






Learning Objectives

Key Concepts


1 Introduction

2 Defining Technology-based Learning and Digital Learning

3 The Shift to Technology-based Training and Digital Learning

3.1 Shifts in Thinking about Learning

3.2 The Changing Performance Agenda for L&D

3.3 The Emergence of New Technology Tools

4 eLearning

4.1 Instructor-led or Self-directed

4.2 Asynchronous or Synchronous

4.3 Effectiveness and Advantages / Disadvantages

Critical Reflection 1

5 Massive Open Online Courses

6 Mobile Learning

6.1 Accessibility

6.2 Distractibility

Case Study 1: Mobile Learning at Merrill Lynch

7 Gamification and L&D

Case Study 2: Using Games in the Deloitte Leadership Academy

8 Computer-based Simulations, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Training

8.1 Virtual Reality

8.2 Virtual Worlds

8.3 Augmented Reality

9 Learning Management Systems and L&D

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology-based Training and Digital Learning

10.1 Advantages and Disadvantages for Learners

10.2 Advantages and Disadvantages for L&D Specialists

10.3 Advantages and Disadvantages for Organisations

Best Available Evidence to Inform Practice 



Review Questions

Strategic L&D in Action

Case Study 3: Virtual Reality and Training of Employees in Walmart

Further Reading



About the Authors

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